Friday, February 1, 2013

South park....

 So today I had some horrible news.......South park wont be returning until September and its going to only have 10 episodes I already thought they didnt have enough per season they usually have 14..
So im pretty bothered by the whole thing..My hope is that when the box sets come out they will be cheaper.

As crazy as this might seem if they went off the air it would sort of be like losing a friend being a 90s child I grew up with them..I do however get kind of jealous that I had to grow up and they didnt..its a strange thought if they had aged  they would be about 24.

..........................on the bright side
Last weekend I went shopping and I had been resisting my urge to visit toys r us but I finally went and I found a deluxe talking Cartman on sale for 9.00 it was a steal.
I havent put batteries in him yet to see what he says.

the week before that I found south park toys in a machine to buy It put me in a pretty good mood.

In fourth grade I really didnt understand the actually seemed kind of stupid to me..
I thought Kenny was a alien and I thought that a talking piece of poop was just stupid.but its really grown on me.

I thought Id come up with a list of my favorite episodes

not in order though..

ikes wee wee
Summer sucks
cow days
cat orgy
Mr hankys christmas classics
world wide recorder concert
Fat camp
a very crappy christmas
The wacky molestation adventure
Super best friends
Scott tenorman must die
kenny dies
the new terrance and philip movie trailer
the simpsons already did it
free hat
the return of the fellowship of the ring to the two towers
the biggest douche in the universe
my future self n me
professor chaos
fat butt and pancake head
grey dawn
casa bonita
all about mormons
good times with weapons
up the down steroid
douche and turd
something walmart this way comes
die hippie die
the death of eric cartman
free willzyx
smug alert
make love not warcraft
miss teacher bangs a boy
night of the living homeless
major boobage
over logging
the china probrem
breast cancer show ever
about last night
the ungroundable
the ring
the coon
fat beard
the f word
poor and stupid
a history channel thanksgiving
the poor kid

Favorite charactors

Mr Garrison
Mr Mackey

                                                      South park toy collection

Deluxe Talking cartman

So im hoping that this 10 episode thing well only be for this year and not the years to come.


  1. haha yeah I totally feel you. a few months back I finally finished the huge undertaking of re-watching ALL episodes back to front and when I finally got the the 1st episode (which I've seen countless times) I was so sad! I hope they go on FOREVER.

    1. :) I own all the seasons out im eagerly awaiting the next one to be released I dont think it was as good as some but I noticed the more I watched it that it grew on me. I hope it does go on forever I hate when things from our childhood fade away. I wasnt a huge fan in fourth grade ( the intro hurt my ears ) but now I fondly look back on kids talking about it on the playground and how we thought Kenny was an alien.

  2. hahaha yeah I didn't really get into until high school. My mom never really let me watch tv much when I was a I missed out on a lot of good stuff. :(

    But south park is fantastic! I love the videostore one where randy goes all Jack Nicholson from the shining on everybody. Classic!

    1. That was a really good one!
      Oh look a green Honey Boo Boo costume :) haha
