Thursday, June 27, 2013

The Toy Museum Lots of pictures

So here the rest of my trip

After the kewpie museum we went to the toy museum its called The Worlds Largest but im not sure if it actually is even though it is pretty big.

We signed it and of course I had to here corny jokes about my last did you marry your husband so you could be forever young haha

the name does suit me though :)

Im mostly just going to show you pictures because this wasn't a learn stuff museum it was just a HEY I had that as a child museum and so on :)

Its a great place to relive your childhood or continue living it :)

I wish my pictures had turned out better than they had

I got this one on the way to the museum its really neat I love it!

This Roger Moore James Bond figure looks amazing!
he is my second favorite James Bond really he is sorta tied for first with Sean Connery ( I probably shouldn't get started with my ramblings about James Bond )
Ill probably do a whole blog about James Bond sometime

 The Russian Olympic mascot bear
 This Edward Mobley squeaky has been on my list to buy for sometime
he comes in several forms with or without stuffed animal ears
and different colored shirts.

 Charles Dickens diorama is it a Christmas Carol? I never read Charles Dickens

Some Johnny West figures I think his wife and daughter not sure?
 More of them
My dad didn't have many toys growing up but he didn't have Johnny West figures that he loved :)

 Rocky Horror picture show figure ..wish this picture had turned out better
 These aren't super old they came out in early 2000 I had them :)
Ive always been a Rocky and Bullwinkle fan

 Kenner Seawees.....

 Anyone know what this is???? the yellow thing
 Super Mario bros 3 Happy meal toys we have tons of these along with the display case from mcdonalds

 I just sold one of these to my good friend Allison :)

 no I didn't get enough kewpies at the kewpie museum!!!

 Some south park toys.

 a brown haired version of the doll I just sold

 I have this doll but her dress is white
 its like a kewpie...but its ...a fireman..I want it
 a Rempel squeaky...

 Uneeda squeaky...

and finally that's the end of all the pictures was fun :)

And that's how you turn 25 without feeling like your turning 25.


  1. Toy museums can be so cool and so miserable at the same time, because I want to free everything from the glass cases and play with it all. I always have mixed feelings over the items still in original packaging, too--partly I'm thinking, "Oh, wow!" and partly I'm feeling sorry for the toy that never got played with!

  2. James Bond race track?? Awesome!! I also really love the edward mobley squeak with the cloth ears. I've never seen that version before but it's cute!

    Did you know? The little hard plastic panda shown in the care bears photo came with my safari barbie when I was a kid? I still have him! And her.. and the giraffe! ;)

    Also, I SO love my pippi doll and the one I got from you has a way cuter dress on. I need to find her brunette friend now. They'd make quite a pair!

    And another thing... I'm in LOVE with those celluloid nurse and doctor kewpies!! And lucky you now you have that cute little fireman! So cool!! ;)

    1. I didn't know but yet I do remember safari Barbie!
      Did you get your Pippi a new dress?
      and yes you need to get her a friend Im on the look out for you when I go to flea markets and when im online searching ebay and etsy :)
      I know I cant believe I found the fireman kewpie I never thought I would you have no idea how many trips I made to that case to stare at him :)

  3. Hahahah awww. How sweet! Thanks for keeping an eye out for me. I haven't gotten her a new dress. I kind of like hers... but someday will perhaps make her another one. I don't even know what she's called. Do you? That would help the search for sure! But I'd never seen her before...

    1. No I don't :( I find ones similarish by typing in Big eyed Japan doll or funny face doll stuff like that.
