Monday, October 21, 2013

Kitschy Pink Poodle and some other stuff

I haven't went Flea Marketing in awhile I was going to wait until after October because I have been spending my money on Halloween stuff and doing Halloween related things but I couldn't resist any longer and Saturday I swung by one of my usual haunts
I didn't find much but that was ok I was trying to be a good girl and not spend to much money I had already been bad and spent so much on movies and tshirts and home dé I knew I shouldn't.

Heres what I got

A really kitsch Plastic Pink Poodle its broken in spots and used to be a bank but I think im going to use it to hold my remotes and cell phone.

 This sweet little tin im going to put in Merrills Shop :)
And not pictured  because I already mailed it off to live with a friend of mine before taking a picture a sweet little kewpie doll
I also got a cool Jack O Lantern bucket but Ill post that in my next post
I spent less than I ever had in that flea market that day.

On Saturday we went to a craft fair and looked around I didn't find anything I really wanted which was ok I have way to much in my house but I did stop at one vintage booth and I was looking at a bag of kids books and the lady said I could have the bag for 4.00 dollars and after that I had to buy them..
The craft fair was very fun its really pretty there water falls and a bridge and an old mill its great to just walk around and enjoy being outside in the sun and to enjoy all the good smells the cedar the good food smells.
I had a huge platter of curly fries that were pretty amazing!

Im going to put this book into Merrills very understocked store.

 This book is so cute its what got my attention when I saw the bag of books
 In the bag was also 2 more Button books I love them..but I know nothing about them so Ill have do do some research.

 This book has no words its just a couple of cute pictures of kittens its also going in Merrills store
 This book feels like it has never been read before..its sort of like a Jack and Janet book.

 I had this book as a little girl and I loved it theres a puppy in this book that the Shy little kitten meets on her adventures that looked just like my Dog Whatamess.
 I found several bags of Polly Pockets 2 of them still have dolls and 2 of them don't.

 These dolls are interesting they are from the early 90s and are called Popcorn Pretties apparently faeries or something that lived inside a kernel of corn.

 I don't know who this doll is but she smells really good and is made by Mattel and in 1988 Im not sure if she is supposed to smell good or is just scented because she was in a bag with Cherry Merry Muffin...I could use some help figuring out who she is
 I got this whole bag of dolls for under 2.00 what a steal! 2 cherry merry muffin dolls they are in good shape but Cherry Merry Muffin herself has messy hair and a cupcake doll ect ect Im pretty happy not to mention that all these dolls smell really really good.

 I had one of these as a little girl but mine was a parfait doll
this one is in ok shape but her ribbon that attackes her cupcake top hat is gone.

                                                        Here she is transformed!
 I picked up this sweet little guy to add to my collection!
 I couldn't resist this kitsch bird to hang in my kitchen he is pretty neat!
 Fisher price 3 men in a tub but they seemed to have lost the tub and 1 man..
I think Josh is keeping them he has very fond memories of  playing with these as a child :)

Falls a great time of year! Ill do another post about some of the other stuff I got and things I have been up 2 :)


  1. O my goodness Vanessa what wonderful finds. All those cool books--the cupcake-muffin dolls and lunch box and my mega favorite the pink poodle plus polly pockets! So many treasures!!!! The last thing about brings tears to my eyes. Garys granny had the 3 men in the tub toys for the great grand kids to play with. I remember my kid-os playing with it while we visited with her. I would hold on to them--you never know you might find their tub and or the other man. Such a sweet toy.

    1. Josh was pretty happy when I spotted them he has told me so many stories of being at his great grammys playing in the bathtub with them.

      Thanks for reading my blog it means a lot to me :)

  2. I love the poodle! And the men-in-the-tub roly-poly toys. Vintage children's books are another of my weak spots--I have so many and need to list them, but it's hard to let them go. Great day at the junk sales!

  3. For not spending a whole lot of $$ you scored big time!! Love that poodle too. ;)
