Friday, December 27, 2013

Flea market finds Saturday- We're looking for treasure

I put my shop on vacation mode for 2 weeks hoping I would get lots done in the meantime..but as it usually turns out I got sick and hardly got anything done ..I did however go flea marketing one day but the rest of the vacation was all sleep because I have been sick and cold medicine knocks me out,

My shop is back up and running now and Christmas was a blast ( Ill talk about that in another post )

This is all about my finds on my last flea market trip

After being snowed in for so long I needed to get out of the house and I was dyeing  to go on a treasure hunt.

My usual flea market was a near let down ( by that I mean I found some good stuff just not much and not really what I was looking for )

I found a handful of cool childrens books

I love this Richard Scarry Book and so does Josh :)
I love how the lion has a pipe wont find that now days in books parents would scream and get it banned its sad really..even poor old Mr Potato head had to give up his pipe because the world is unaccepting of those who smoke and political correctness has killed our freedom
Enough ranting though..because I could seriously go on all day about it..and not take a breath.

 This book is so sweet its full of poems about the weather and seasons and holidays
I of course love the cover :)
 and this sweet book about dinosaurs! its seems like something my husband would have had as a child he loved dinosaurs and still does.
 This book is also very cute not sure why the bears name is Piggle  though guess Ill have to read it.
I found these kewpie salt and pepper shakers and just could not resist...Im a sucker for anything Kewpie.

Well were about to leave and at the last booth I found some toys ..I had been so disappointed because I hadn't found any and this girl caught my eye
I had found her before online and thought she was small but she is actually quite large
she is a 1966 Color me carol she was a promo item for a makeup company and she used to come with crayons..she is neat she cost 18.00 which is about what she usually goes for online
next to her was a couple of squeakys not in good shape and all 18.00 I thought about them and decided no because I could get them online for less and in better shape.
While we were checking out I decided I wanted to go to another flea market and I mentioned to Josh that Id like to go to Connies new location the had shut down there old location which happened to be the flea market I was at ..but the girl at the check out said they closed down but that it had new owners.. so we went not expecting much but I found some neat things.

I found a booth that had several great toys  a little Irwin celluloid doll ( He has a crack in his poor face though and I need to figure out how to keep it from spreading )
An Edward Mobley doll which was actually on my Christmas list which I told Josh he could just buy it for me and save the time of ordering it he of course did :) also she was one of the ones I spotted at the other flea market for 18.00 and in bad shape ..glad I held out on the first one because this one only cost 8.00 and her colors are so much brighter.
I also got this cute kewpie with clothes I try to tell myself not to buy every kewpie I come across ( as if I can resist ) and of course I rationalized it by saying to myself I don't have one like this...its different ..I need it...
 I found thumper plush :) he has lots of wear in his poor fur but he is still so cute.
 this carnival prize looking bear..oh so retro..oh so could I resist?
 This cute little doll in a raincoat .who is naked underneath .,,, I guess she must have been dared to go out in nothing but a raincoat and boots.
 and yes another kewpie..once again I told myself you don't have this one and you can put it up for adoption in your shop,,
Believe it or not there were 2 more kewpies that I passed up..
 and this I have no idea what it is ..its made of plastic thick plastic and its just really strange
does anyone know?

Well that's it for now hopefully Ill go out again very soon :)


  1. I adore vintage children's books! I know what you mean about the pipe and the political correctness bit. I used to adore "candy cigarettes" and bubblegum cigars when I was a kid. I did find some candy cigarettes back east in tobacco-growing states, but they're now called "candy sticks". How dumb!

    I'm fascinated with that color-me doll you found. I've never heard of one before. How unusual! And the plastic nude--how bizarre! Could it be a big swizzle stick, maybe?

    Get well soon!
