Monday, February 10, 2014

Long time no see...

Ok so Im guilty of neglecting my blog and my etsy store and pretty much everything else lately..but I am slowly returning to the land of the living after feeling so blah for so long.

We have had so much snow lately which has kept me inside sleeping under piles of blankets
and getting behind in everything....

I finally got out of the house Saturday and went flea marketing and I found some neat things
which is good because it was looking like I was never going to reach my goal of 200 items I still have a lot more work to do but Im at least making some progress.

Heres what I found on my trip out

I had been taking pictures of things I find interesting at the flea markets but the first one was so crowded I could barely move so I skipped doing that.

I couldn't resist this cute little porcelain kewpie looking guy.

And this book is simply adorable and I must say I relate to it -as a child I was so messy my room my hair if my mom didn't fix it for me..and when I ate I usually got food all over relatives on both sides called me Messy Nessie.
 This Metal Barbie thermos was so cool I couldn't pass it up..I almost did because its more than I usually pay for something I know nothing about but I decided to just go with it.

 2 little rubber dogs made in the early 90s Im going to put them up in Merrills charity store as soon as I re open it and I plan on doing that soon I have just been trying to get more stuff for it because its pretty empty.
 This guy reminds me a bit of my parents Boston Terrier
 This Goosebumps book...I got it for myself :)
 I usually don't carry kitchen type stuff in my store but I really cant resist vintage Tupperware I just love it -it reminds me of my childhood my parents had so much of this stuff mom hated it though and got rid of most of when I see this type of stuff I usually buy it.
Normally Id keep these for myself I love orange but I have no room for kitchen stuff at my house.

 Radio Shack Radio Bear I still have to figure out what year he was made and how much he is worth.
 I have a similar kewpie to this but I actually like this one a bit more I like her little dress
she needs some repair work done though the back of her head sinks in..I plan on stuffing her to help her keep her shape.
 a Vintage rattle made by mattel in the 80s
 I love this little doll she has 2 faces on one side she is smiling and on the other she is frowning

 Vintage fun farm camel plush he is in great shape
 Next I found a box of these pose dolls for a good price and I grabbed them up
I really know nothing about this type of doll but they are really pretty.

                                             Fun vintage  plastic canisters

At the last flea market I found this and I want it so bad if I had the money and room I would have got it.

That's all for now hopefully no more snow I cant stand be in so much I need to get out and flea market to my hearts content...I am sure Im not the only person who cant wait for spring :)


  1. love that unicorn horse!!

    And the dolls were a real find, great job finding new stuff!

    1. I love it I wish I had the room and money for it ..if I had kids I would buy it for sure it would be great in a nursery. and Thank you Judi :)

  2. I'm smitten with the little camel--he's so sweet. I'm planning to go to a flea market on Friday and I'm sure looking forward to it. It's been a long dry spell for junking!

    1. I put him up for sale in my shop the other day..if you wanted him Id sell him to for less than I posted him for he seems like just your type of guy :) and oh I have been meaning to ask but keep forgetting what did your friend think that print?

  3. O my what great finds Vanessa!!!! I love those dolls you found. Are they made in Japan or Korea? I have one that Gary's Grandma had when she was alive and his mom gave it to me. She looks like a southern belle. She was made in Korea and the company is called Bradley Dolls. Most items made in Korea were made in the 80's possibly late 70's it seems. But made if they were made in Japan could they could be older than the one I have! I hope you can find out more about them and when you do I would like to hear all about it!:-)

    1. Most of them weren't marked I think one said japan..but the plastic stands say korea I was thinking they look like Bradley dolls but I cant be certain do Bradley dolls have markings? I would love to find more I got a great deal on these the box for 3.00 dollars

  4. Those dolls are rather sweet - and that coming from a non-dolly person is something, I can tell you! Hope they find homes soon.

    The Camel and Teddy are in pretty good shape too. Similar good wishes for them too. Oh, and for all the rest of your finds!

    1. Until recent years I myself didn't like dolls very much now I like the squeaky types and kewpies..but as a child I preferred stuffed animals...Thank you Isobel :)

  5. Wow you scored big! Love those dolls. And that kewpie! What a cute dress she is wearing. Wish you could have gotten that unicorn too. He's darling!
