Wednesday, August 15, 2012

A little worried

So not long ago I started up an animal charity store on etsy.
Ive only had 2 sales so far and Im not going to lie Im kind of worried that this wont work out.

Im not going to give up though..Ill keep trying and adding things and hoping and hoping.

Heres a look at a few of the items in the charity store.

Soon Im going to get around to making cat toys to add to it.

Today Im going to work on cleaning and organizing my house...Its much easier to be inspired when you have a clean uncluttered house.

Heres a look at my new packaging for jewelry in my main store.. I like its simple cheerful look :)

Ive been having trouble with the follow button..I think its working now but Im not sure.


  1. Thanks for your latest comment on our site at and for the pointer to your two blogs.

    I have the honour of being the first of what I'm sure will eventually become lots of Followers. It takes time, though!

    All the best, as ever. Isobel
