Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Gumball Machine Ramblings

Today I woke up and I had a sale in my animal charity shop
That made me feel better and less worried about it not working out.

I sold these vintage dog figurines I think they are made out of celluloid or some other plastic that isnt used anymore.
They were bought by a wonderful lady who is going to put them in her doll house :)

Heres another listing that I have in my animal charity shop
I think its adorable! It seems like he should have a butterfly or something on his tail
Vintage deer figurines are so fun and perfectly kitsch!

Ive been saving bottle caps for awhile now to craft with and I finally decided to make this colorful collage for my very boring white wall.

Next while I was cleaning my craft area I suddenly had an over powering urge to make something  ( it happens all the time no wonder nothing gets done! )so I sat down with my canvas and gumball machine toys and bottle caps and made this
Most of the bottle caps are from water bottles ( our water here at the apartment is very gross ) so we buy all our water the other caps are from sprite and mountain dew and smirnoff apple bite and from nasal spray ..My husband goes through one a week he has a chronic sinus problem.
I used some vintage magnets and some buttons and beads and some gumball machine capsules.
 In this picture you can see a toy ring stuck in a a capsule
These days I dont run into to many gumball machines filled with cheap plastic toys that I just cant say no to..I guess thats good because once I asked a cashier for $30 in quarters and I went nuts.
But the lack of gumball machines makes me a little sad because that was a big part of childhood.
Id go to the store with my mom and then on the way out Id ask for some quarters
I liked the machines that were more random and not the ones filled with plastic football helmets and stickers and candy.
I loved trying to get the toy I wanted most and probably spending $50 before I got it.
For so long I wondered what to do with the capsules..when I was little I put change in them
it seemed like a waste to toss them out.

My husband wants to make him a legend of zelda collage of link
So Ill have to keep on saving my bottle caps.


  1. Well done with the sale! Do like the wall decoration - colourful and great recycling going on! When's the next effort coming? How about using buttons, and not just bottle tops?

  2. Ah, gumball machines... My own particular thrill was to get a baby troll, or some little dollhouse-like item (fake cereal boxes, etc.) that I could put in my troll house. Trolls were all the rage in my neighborhood and my friends and I would make houses for them out of cardboard boxes and decorate them, sew clothes for them, set up little neighborhoods with them... We even had a system of money for our trolls and had little stores!

    Another fun goodie was those little pictures that flickered from one image to another, depending on how you moved them.

  3. Thank you Isobel
    Im sure Ill be making another one soon they are very addicting to make.

    Victoria-that sounds fun :)

  4. i am obsessed with gumball machines! in fact every time i see one i have to look! you can find so many cool little things in those. oh and i love you green gumball machine art collage. very cute!

  5. really?? maybe i just have good luck! i find them everywhere. but i scavenge. even thrift stores have them sometimes! isn't that weird? i love gumball treasures. ;)
