Friday, December 7, 2012

Flea market adventure funnn

Last saturday I got to go on the flea market adventure that I had been waiting to go on for awhile now.
We went to a total of 6 flea markets starting in neosho and then to seneca and then to grove oklahoma.

The first flea market that we went to was a fairly new one so it didnt have much in it yet I did find a few interesting items.
I got a brass letter opener with a teddy bear ( I already put it up in my etsy store )
and a few old metal letters I got a K,J and a V
Josh got a vintage tin of tobacco that he is hoping to sell online soon..its 60 years old!!!
The next flea market was this little junkie one but those are the best because things are always really really cheap.
I got a few vintage toys a Jem doll that has seen better days it is naked and missing an arm and has some discoloration but the head is in perfect shape.
I got some vintage Ninja turtles toys and a few small things for my animal charity store.
The next flea market I went to was a small one that I had never been to before it didnt have much but I did find a bag of barbie shoes and acessories I also got a Kikis delivery service vhs and then the next flea market was across the street so we walked over to it
I found a large box of Crystals for only 5.00 which is a really good deal because normally I pay about 1.00 a piece for them at the rock shops in Eureka Springs ( its a pretty little town with some great shops and lots of art ) the only bad thing about it is that things close at 5pm so being a night person I dont go there very often.

I also bought a Castle in the sky vhs and a book The Gnome From Nome its in the Serendipity series.
After doing those flea markets we still had some time left so we went on to Grove oklahoma
The first flea market we stopped at there was TERRIBLE I waited forever in line because the lady was chatty and then when I finally got to the front she said she was sorry and then she said that she actually wasnt sorry and to bad for Ill never go back again I hate it when people are rude for no reason :( so after that we left and made it to the last flea market where I had looked at a MLP in the past and I was hoping it would still be there it was so I bought it and as we were paying Josh noticed a vintage tobacco pipe and he asked if he could look at it didnt have a price so the lady just said 6.00 we did some reasearch on it when we got home that night and it goes for about 300 wow!

Heres some pictures of some of the stuff I found

                                                       My little pony Skyflier
The jem doll
 As you can see some child was rough with her
poor doll has a had a terrible life.

Tokka from the Ninja turtles ( my husband used to have this toy when he was little )
 and  Leonardo from TMNT

And this sweet little cat figurine is one of my favorite things I bought on the whole trip
I put it in my animal charity store hopefully someone will buy this for christmas :)

                                                  The childrens book I picked up

and the viewmaster I bought at the store with the rude lady

.....................................and heres what the Jem doll looked like new

Tomorrow I get to go on another flea market adventure not a big one though just to a couple in my old home town...hopefully Ill find some Kewpies!!! ( my kewpie inventory is running low )

Sophie is growing growing growing its really interesting to watch her grow and her eyes have changed from blue to green ...Im taking her out to look at the christmas lights pretty soon ( she loves car rides )

Well thats it
Until next time :)


  1. Sounds like such a fun day--apart from the crank. Beats me why people can't practice ordinary courtesy. It doesn't cost anything!

    I am eager to see Josh's tobacco tin.The only ones I ever see are those Prince Albert types. Also I've got to check out your Barbie shoes.

    1. Josh will take pictures of his tobacco tins
      and Ill send you pictures they are pretty neat
      I know we always see prince albert tins EVERYWHERE

      I need to add more barbie shoes in my shop I bought a ton of them and I almost bought more today.
