Friday, January 3, 2014

A Woodland Bear Christmas Contest

So sometime ago I realized that lapin and me is having a contest for the best costume for your Woodland Bear doll..So I thought why not Ill enter I never ever do things like that

So after pondering what I could dress the doll up like I finally decided she was going to be Santa it also happened that it snowed so I managed to get the perfect check it out

Heres the link to the picture
and check out the rest of the entries : )

Next post A Flea Marketing Trip with me


  1. OMG!! I didn't know you entered this! I LOVE THIS PHOTO!!! You should shell these prints at christmas time. BEYOND CUTE!!!

    1. Yeah Ill try but my stuff just doesn't sell..
      did you see what won the contest it was probably the worst of the bunch and honestly I think the person who was running the contest entered that photo themselves considering it was up before a contest was even announced..
