Monday, March 10, 2014

Sophie plush

I have been meaning to make a stuffed animal version of Sophie for sometime now I bought the material sometime ago and then put it off ..

Last night after getting a coffee at Mcdonalds I suddenly felt like doing a project and finishing it

So while Josh drew in his sketch book and we watched Cannibal the musical I dug out all my sewing stuff making a huge mess of course :) and started sewing
I used a different fabric than I usually use ..Usually I use felt because its so forgiving of mistakes and comes in a variety of colors and also because its sooooo cheap  but I decided to be brave and try something new a plush fabric that matched the color of Sophies fur perfectly

I originally was going to give him green cat eyes but I couldn't find where I put them so I used the plain black ones and it still turned out good

it took forever because I was out of practice I ended up watching so many movies Tremors 2,Ghostbusters, and April Fools day I finally finished right before bed and I was happy with the results not bad for a hand sewn plush :)

and Josh couldn't quit hugging it :)


  1. absolutely adorable!! and congrats on a finished project, wish I could do that! maybe movies are the trick, huh?

  2. Vanessa - she's cute! Oops, more competition!! Well done finishing it. Am finding that watching TV (or in your case, films) works wonders for my sewing speed too.

    Love puss Sophie's colouring! She's lovely, and doesn't she know it!

  3. That is beyond adorable! You should make my cats into plushes too!
