Monday, November 25, 2013

My Nostalgic Sick day

So I have been sick recently which has led to not doing anything and lots of staying in bed
and I have been in a nostalgic spirit because sick days always remind me of staying home from school and going to my Grandmas where she would tuck me in and let me watch cartoons all day while bringing me chicken noodle soup and juice or sprite.

I always preferred going to that grandmas house ( my dads mom ) my grandma on my moms sides house wasn't as comfy and I didn't have my own room or tv I couldn't watch movies all day..because she had her shows that she had to watch..her house was the house to go to on days when you weren't sick.

I remember I had this vhs tape of all my favorite stuff  my dad had copied it for me from various cartoons I had rented at the movie store.

The tape had Maxies World lots of it and Babes Kids ( which isn't really for children and is kind of weird ) and Tiny Toons Go on Vacation I remember I always brought that with me eventually it got lost I assume I left it over there and it got tossed out later..I wish I still had it.

I also had a tape of a bunch of Pippi Longstocking movies which I loved and Id watch those sometimes.

My Grandma would also read to me from Cookie Monster and the cookie tree she always choose that one :)

There were other books I liked one I don't remember the name of it was about Porky Pig and he was a farmer and another was The Day Jimmys Boa ate the wash and Harry the Dirty Dog and a few more.

I also had a ton of coloring books that I liked hoards of them actually because that was my Grandmas favorite thing to buy I remember Barbie coloring books and animal coloring books and a Holidays around the world coloring book and some others that were actually older than me because my older cousins had left them behind...Which brings me to the fact that while being sick I have been coloring because even though I have gotten older it is still one of my favorite things to do when im sick.

I remember shows I wouldn't normally see if I was at school and getting to watch them
one was called Pappy Land  he for some reason always choose to draw clowns and you really had to already have you paper and pencil and crayons ready or you would miss it.
I remember my cousins used to call me up when the show would come on ( they were homeschooled so this show was something they saw everyday ) and so when I was home they would call me to tell me to color with them.
 Another show that came on really scared me The Big Comfy Couch .and that couch seemed so gross I always had a nasty feeling when she would crawl into it.
 My other show came on at 9am which is a horrible schedule because once you reach 5 you cant watch it anymore because your at school that starts to early at 8am.
I loved this show though the best part was when he went to the factories and we got to see how crayons and toilet seats were made I think the only thing I didn't like about the show was Lady Elaine she gave me terrible nightmares for years.
One of the neat things about being sick at my grandmas house was that I had my own room I could be wasn't mine really it was my Grandpas den type room but he was always nice enough to let me use it and it had a tv and a HUGE couch and a fireplace and a glass door where you could look out at the pine trees ..inside the room was a bar it was never really used as one but I liked to go behind it because that's where the toys were and the books.
There actually weren't to many toys a handful of stuffed animals and a baby doll and some TMNT that my cousin had left behind.
The bar also made a nice comfy hideaway because the floor was really soft it had old green carpet plush carpet from the 70s.
I remember bringing my Gameboy and playing super Mario land all day.
My grandma would usually come in a couple times during the day to bring me a bowl of chicken noodle soup and crackers and a drink
I usually only came out of the room to watch Andy Griffith with them at 11 ( funny how I remember the tv schedules )
At 3:00ish cartoons started to come on and Id watch the Jetsons and have a snack of crackers and cheese.
and then soon after that it would be time to go home.
I really miss those sick days I think of them every time I get sick.


  1. you had an awesome Gma! I didn't live close enough to my Gma-Gpa to go there when sick, but we went for Spring Break a couple of times and she had Hunt Jello pudding packs and cookies (store bought!) in the cookie jar, which I have now.
    But the bestest of the bestest is that she let us have sugared cereal!! Quisp, Count Chocula and Freakies!! Oh, those were the days!

    1. I miss her..I need to visit her. I loved count chocula!

  2. awww I'm so surprised you remember your sick days in such detail!! I remember things from my childhood of course but they are always random tid bits of information. Thanks for sharing your stories though. It was really sweet. ;)

    1. I have a pretty good childhood memory :) not so much a good memory about my teen years but I remember every bit of my childhood like it was yesterday :)

    2. awww i wish i could say the same! i'm so forgetful. :(
