Monday, April 1, 2013

Country Roads series 1

Yesterday was a great day!

For once I got out and got some sunshine...thats pretty rare for me ..I have the life of a vampire
I wake up when the sun is going down I go to bed as it is coming up can be depressing at times.
But Ive had this type of schedule most my life but even more so the last 5 years or so because Josh works nights.

I woke up at 11 am ( for most people thats not early for is )  I usually fuss and whine and cry for more time. But I was up before Josh and I actually woke him up and told him to shower so we can go on an adventure.
I packed up a few squeakys for photos and we got some coffee and went down a few country roads.

Ive been putting some thought in doing a book on toys and theres a toy im shipping off tomorrow so I thought Id better get a good picture of it before sending it off.

We looked first for a good place with daffodils and we couldnt find one so the first good place to stop at we did and it was this little haunted cemetary down the road from our house.
Yes haunted....
I think the photos turned out pretty good even though the lighting was a little off.

 This cemetary makes me a little sad its little and old most of the headstones are broken and there arent the graves,,it was so long ago I think that most of the relatives are gone and no one remembers them.
I think Ill probably come every now and then to leave flowers.

                                                   Heres a headstone that made me very sad
Now heres some I found interesting and kind of funny its an amish crossing sign :)
One of the random dirt roads we picked with some cute cows :)

 Ive been meaning to get a picture of this house for awhile and finally got around to it
I love it ..Its sad looking and reminds me of an old dark childrens book.
One of my favorite things about exploring is finding the old houses and wondering what the people were like that used to live there and where they are now and how long its been empty.
I usually would go in and take a pictures but this one had a wire fence that I didnt feel like jumping.
                                            Where memories sleep but never die

It was a great day! Im sure Ill be writing more about this type of stuff now that the weather is good and Im getting to really like this blogging stuff :)



  1. oh wow what a fun little adventure you had! love the photos too. I'm fascinated by old dilapidated buildings and homes... not sure why. They just kinda look cool! Oh and don't be ashamed. I think 11am is kinda early too! haha

    1. It one of my favorite things to do..Im going to try to find more this weekend for pictures.

      As a child I had dreams of this one house it was Addams family looking and Id get lost in it
      it was a recurring dream so every time I go out I look for the house..because maybe its real

    2. maybe it IS real! yeah keep looking. i wonder what'll happen if you do find it though. that'd be really eerie...
